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Explore the diverse facets of ageing through our conference subthemes. These topics delve into critical aspects of ageing societies, providing insights and strategies for inclusive and sustainable development.


Active and productive ageing

Recognising the ageing segment of the population as valuable and necessary contributors to society. Active engagement in society cannot be sustained unless older persons are valued and recognised and have the opportunity and space to participate willingly in social and productive activities.


Climate change and population ageing

Understanding the challenges posed by climate change to ageing populations requires better understanding of the social and economic implications of the intersection between population ageing and climate change. Sharing experiences and exploring the potential of intergenerational action in adaptation and mitigation.


Communities and ageing societies

Emphasising community-based approaches with active engagement from older people, sharing examples of successful initiatives that integrate services and resources at the community level. Central in this topic is the bottom-up design and implementation of community based organisations and practices.


Technology and ageing

How can technology—digitalisation, artificial intelligence—contribute to the adaptation to ageing societies? How can older populations be included as beneficiaries and users of these technologies? How can older populations be included in the design of digital systems?


Social protection and ageing societies

Ensuring social inclusion and protection involves providing fair access to resources and services while protecting those who are vulnerable. Lifecourse approaches to social protection and emphasis in social protection for older populations (i.e. social pensions).


Caring societies

Developing Community Based Care (CBC) as a relevant component of long-term care (LTC) strategies. The design of these CBC systems should include support to carers, financing, building capacities and especially linking with the broader health systems.

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