Field visits
Three optional field visits have been organised for conference participants. These visits will allow participants to interact with older people in small communities on the island of Bali, providing insight into their lives.
The online sign up for the field visit will open after the plenary session on 11 September. Each site can accommodate up to 60 participants, and spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Participants are recommended to wear casual attire and comfortable walking shoes. ​​Detailed itinerary will be provided.
​Site 1: Integrated Older People Care (Layanan Lansia Terintegrasi - LLT) Karawista Pedungan, Denpasar
​Located in Pedungan Village, Denpasar Regency, LLT Karawisata provides services for 967 older people. Around 56 people of those older people requires long-term care. LLT Karawista provides monthly activities for older people in Pedungan such as dementia exercise, karaoke and yoga as well as routine health check-up and home visit service.​
Depart for Pedungan, Denpasar (one-hour drive)
Visit the site
Arrive back at Nusa Dua (For some participants who will stay on for home visit, the arrival time to Nusa Dua is 13:00)
​Site 2: Integrated Older People Care (Layanan Lansia Terintegrasi - LLT) Girang Melinggih, Gianyar
Located in Melinggih Village, Gianyar Regency, LLT Girang provides services for 1,137 older people. Around 77 people requires long-term care. LLT Girang consists of 6 team members and 3 cadres. LLT Girang provides monthly activities for older people such as sports, yoga, dance, and tabuh practices. In addition, LLT Girang assist older people in Melinggih to have access to social protection and health facilities. ​
Depart for Melinggih, Gianyar Regency (two-hour drive)
Visit the site
Free to explore Ubud area
Arrive back at Nusa Dua
Site 3: Older People School (Sekolah Lansia) Tegal Harum, Denpasar
Sekolah Lansia Wredha Harum in Tegal Harum Village, West Denpasar, is the first elderly school in Bali aimed at improving the quality of life for the older people. This school is a collaboration between The National Population and Family Planning Board and the IRL (Indonesia Ramah Lansia) Foundation.. ​
Depart to Tegal Harum village (one-hour drive)
Visit the site
Arrive back at Nusa Dua