Pre-conference events
Tuesday 10 September 2024, 09:00–17:30 (INVITATION ONLY)
Strengthening intergenerational solidarity & empowering generations: Dialogues across generations for a bright era of longevity
Venue: Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia
Organisers: Tsao Foundation in partnership with the Alliance on Longevity in Asia-Pacific (ALAP), with support from BAPPENAS and HelpAge International
Forty individuals, from age 22 to 79, from 9 countries in the region are invited to this meeting, with an aim to improve communication and understanding between different generations, learn practical skills for intergenerational dialogue and become leaders in fostering stronger community bonds through intergenerational activities.
The event will feature a facilitated experiential workshop designed to empower participants from various age groups to engage in meaningful intergenerational conversations. Key topics will include the building of social connectivity, promoting knowledge sharing and lifelong learning across generations, improving mental health, and fostering cognitive and physical wellbeing. The results of this workshop will be presented in a panel session on 12 September, during the 2024 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Population Ageing.
Tuesday 10 September 2024, 09:00–17:00 (INVITATION ONLY)
Seminar on policies and good practices: Addressing challenges and opportunities to population ageing and safeguarding the rights of older persons
Venue: The Nest Hotel Nusa Dua (visit website)
Organiser: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and BAPPENAS
Asia and the Pacific is experiencing rapid population ageing, with older persons projected to constitute nearly 20 per cent of the region’s population by 2050. This demographic shift necessitates urgent and comprehensive policy adaptations across various sectors, from social protection to health and technology and disaster risk reduction. The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) and the United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing provide a framework for addressing these challenges. Centered around the ESCAP repository of policies and good practices on population ageing, this seminar aims to foster peer learning and sharing of experiences to support the development of policies on ageing that align with global, regional, and subregional frameworks and human rights standards.
The latest evidence and mandates on population ageing in Asia and the Pacific will be presented and reviewed. ESCAP also seek to obtain feedback on repository of policies and good practices on ageing , along with discuss considerations and criteria for aligning policies and good practices with international frameworks and country-specific priorities.
Post-conference events
Friday 13 September 2024, 09:00–12:30 (INVITATION ONLY)
Expert group meeting on sustainable population ageing and low fertility
Venue: Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia
Organisers: UNFPA, BAPPENAS and HelpAge International
The expert group meeting will focus on the importance of a life-cycle approach to ageing, emphasising the need for adequate investments at every stage of life. The summary of this meeting will help UNFPA develop its Strategic Plan for 2026-2029, with demographic diversity and population ageing as key pillars. This aligns with the 30-year review of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) at the 57th session of the Commission on Population and Development in 2024.
This expert group meeting will discuss challenges and opportunities addressing population and low fertility concerns and recommendations from advanced-aged countries on how to make sustainable responses to this rapid demographic shift in the region. It will be a meeting among experts present at the conference with a key discussion on regional low fertility rate, longevity, and policy related to population ageing.